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There's no risk in trying Livewire Musician because the basic account is free. Your account grows as you do, no strings attached.
Frequently Asked Questions
All of your data is private to your account. No users outside of your account can access your data unless you permit them. LiveWire Musician stores all of your data in a secure application, in a secure environment, and offers SSL encryption to further protect your information on the Internet. SSL is the same level of security used for online banking. If you have any questions you can always visit Verisign and read up on internet security.
No. LiveWire Musician is a web based product. This means the software and the data is stored and maintained by LiveWire Musician, but you still own the information. We save you the burden of buying, installing and configuring a program as well as backing up the data and buying upgrades. We do all the hard work for you.
With LiveWire Musician, managing your career can be done anywhere, anytime. You can be in three locations in one day: at the office, at home, and on the road and still access LiveWire Musician for all your information. It also allows different users, in the same account, who are all in different locations to access the same information in LiveWire Musician seamlessly.
Each account owns its own information. In short — you do.
We will not sell or disclose our users' personal contact information, email addresses, etc. Our business model does not depend on selling information. We find this practice profoundly distasteful, and we understand that taking advantage of user information will rapidly deprive us of our users' trust. View our privacy policy for more detail.
No. You have full ownership of your data. If for any reason you choose not to use LiveWire Musician, we will return your data for a nominal fee determined by what format you want your data delivered in and how much data is stored. Alternatively, users can, at any time, export information using the Export feature for no charge.
I think that livewire is one of the best things that's ever happened to independent musicians.